Wednesday, 9 September 2009

Forget religion! How to be real with God

We often hear the phrase What Would Jesus Do and we try to act as we think He wants us to but living like Jesus and trying to be a Christian is not easy. So we end up struggling and feeling unnecessarily guilty.

If you are trying to approach God because you love Him and want to know Him more, don't you think He knows the real you so why beat yourself up when it really is not needed.

So forget thinking this way and read on!

Jesus loves you and accepts you whatever you do. He understands that you are a child compared to Him, so He knows that you will: try, forget to try, muck it all up, feel like a failure and feel like you are doing it all wrong compared to everyone else around you.

Every person on earth is different. Every person’s walk with God is individual too.

Time spent with God is never wasted

Jesus knows your to do list; your deadlines*. To spend time with God means you read His word in the bible, or you pray or you simply sit and consider things in your mind. The bible is the word of God but it is very hard to grasp straight off for there is much depth in His words. It is like eating a chocolate cake, some days you are starving you eat much - the icing as well; other days you just pick the icing off or you dig out the creamy centre and just eat that!

Sometimes we can not take in God’s word in big chunks because we will have stress happening in our lives - life on earth is tough - on these days it is better to just read the cream. Try one proverb or one parable (story) that Jesus told, it is enough. You can gorge on the bible or you can consider a few words. Gorging makes you sick and tired but a healthy bite of Gods word can satisfy you for then you will find you think it through later.

If you find you can not remember everything you read in the bible that’s normal too, it has been happening like that to me for years but over time suddenly you realise that you have learnt much. Remember your teacher is God, so let Him teach you at His pace for He knows what you are ready to retain.

If you do not understand ask Jesus for help, it’s that simple.

Oh one more thing, if the Christians around you answer your questions in religious language that you can not understand, remember that they are trying to explain what they are still struggling to understand too!

Prayer is like a conversation

A good friend is hard to find for they are so concerned with self needs that all they want to do is tell you about their own problems, so you end up frustrated and feeling like you were not listened to or cared for.

A conversation with Jesus often seems one way for at the time, usually, you do not receive an answer. Tell Jesus what’s on your mind, and tell Him in the normal everyday language that you use.

Remember Jesus hung around with coarse fisherman and whores when He walked on earth so tell Him your needs in your own words, your expression of language will not shock Him! Jesus is able to hear and understand all things.

Be real with Him.

Imagine that Jesus is sitting in the room with you, then spill the beans until you are done. You will feel better and Jesus will listen patiently.

God does speak to His children but it is in many ways, it could be a voice in your mind, or through a Christian friend, or through His words in the bible, or through a sermon, or through your memory of a time when everything seemed to work out for the best despite the circumstance. Remember your experience with God is as individual as you.

Jesus is always with you for He sent the Holy Spirit to live within your heart but it takes time to feel Him. Knowledge of His presence grows over time until inside you just know. This knowledge of Him turns over time into peace. Peace is not a warm cosy feeling that all is well, it is the certainty that God lives with you and understands you.

Stop struggling in your own ability to understand everything at once.

God bless to you, ej x

*your tasks seem to be finished in less time after you have spent time Jesus first!

Friday, 28 August 2009

Think of Him

Think of Him suffering agony paying for my sin,
as I watch from the safety of my fallen mind
I hear Him call out to His Father, crying out His mind
I can’t follow what is happening, yet I hurt inside
Then He dies, people are leaving but they have nowhere to go
I imagine Him fallen – forgotten - but I can’t get Him out of my mind
I remember Him but the world has forgotten why it happened to Him
Busy lives, so much suffering. Did He die in vain?
Time will tell.


So why make prayer so bloody difficult? I mean who are you trying to impress - God with your prose? Why not just tell Him how it is? Use the words that come to mind, don’t just quote scripture… He knows them more than you!

Tell Him how you feel, like you would a trusted friend, but remember He can understand your minds heart too. He knows your true feelings so don’t wrap it all up in sugar sweet candy to be polite. You can’t shock God, He has heard it all before.

He choose to hang out with coarse fishermen and whores, not the religious elite!

Jesus cursed the religious elite for being superficial.

So then tell Him how it is - how it really is in the words you know how to express your thoughts and deepest needs.

If you are angry tell Him.

If you are really really angry swear it all out at Him, if you need to, or do you think your language is worse than that of a whore?

Then when you are done, rest and smile knowing the He heard you and loves you despite yourself…as He so loves me.

The religious elite will tell you God is holy so be polite…. but remember it's in the bible God cursed those who thought their religious piety was correct!

If you don’t believe me then read Matthew, Mark, Luke and John and see what Jesus called the pious priests ruling in Israel. You may be surprised.

The Message is the most easy translation of the bible to understand for it is written in real words, not polite sentences.

The words in the Message reflect life today.

Ej x

Monday, 2 February 2009

I don't need a Christanity crutch

I think it's really funny when people think I am a weak minded person who needs to have Christanity in my life because I can't cope with things.

Do you really think that that is all Christianity is? A crutch to lean on. If only it were that simple!
Christanity is an explanation of why things in the world today are so tough.

You see God created the world, and all things that live in it. He made a perfect world, with no sin. No need to fight for things for everything was given freely.

Yet today humans fight for all things.

God loved humans enough to build them a perfect world, with food, water, and beauty. You can still see the beauty, and still see humans reflecting God's manner when they reach out to others in love.

Why do humans do this love thing IF YOU SAY GOD IS NOT REAL? It does not make sense to love, it makes sense to fight for survival. Love costs. Humans can love because God placed His natural expression of love in them. Human reflect their Creator.

The bible is a book of explanations and examples of life with God, and without God's blessing. It details one people group, Israel. You can read of their attempt at life outside of God's blessing, or inside God's blessing.

Israel was chosen by God to give the rest of the world a picture of life with God. But Isreal turned their back on God and much later on his Son, Jesus.

Yet I feel oblidged to those who continue love God in Israel to acknowledge them here. For there are many.

Jesus was born a Jew, He grew and lived in Israel. His earth mother Mary taught Him about God.

Jesus was taught the first five books of the Christian bible, but it was not called that then, it was called the Torah.

Jesus believed that God made the earth and all who are in it.

Now I know you may not accept this explanation of life on earth, fine but I do. If Jesus believed it, who am I to argue?

Later in the Book of John we learn that God who has always been alive, was Jesus. Yes I know it is a big claim to make about one human being. But Jesus, lived on earth as a human, but He managed do some amazing things.

There are records to prove Jesus' existence. And records to show that He was crucified by the Romans, some 2000 years ago.

The Book of Acts details 500 eye witnesses that saw Him teach others of God after His death on the cross.

The Gospel Books, that means Good News Books, of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John give further great details of the kind of life that Jesus lead and the miracles He was able to do.

Humans can not heal the sick with one touch, only God can.

Jesus did this. Therefore it leads to the conclusion that Jesus was just not an ordinary man, but God in disguise.

Christianity is not a crutch to lean on, it is a humans wish to stand up and be counted as they try to live out their human lives to give thanks to God for Jesus's sacrifice on the cross. We owe Him our very existence.

It is not an easy thing to do, to live selfishlessly as Jesus did.

I fail everyday.

To make a stand and be counted as a Christian today, is not a decision that is taken lightly as many people in this world are killed for their stance

You may think a person is weak minded to become a Christian that is because you do not see the persecution that Christians' suffer in this world for their decision. England is a safe country to live in because many of the laws in this land are taken from the bible, the Word of God.

If you do not believe me, check out the news and see the fighting and povery of Muslim, Hindu and other nations that do not acknowledge that Jesus total God... it shows because though they do try to understand all that God is... they can not understand because God told humanity the only way to learn about Him is through the Son Jesus Christ.

If you refuse to accept that Jesus Christ is God in human form then God will not accept you nor teach you about the Truth of Him.

The world will never find peace until it acknowledges the right of Jesus to be the King of Earth, and all Humanity, human history proves this.

The nation of Israel has her troubles because the majority of her Jewish people do not recognise Jesus Christ as their God and Saviour. Remember God will not teach you unless you approach Him through His Son JESUS CHRIST.

Jesus Christ, Yeshua Ben Yahweh His Hebrew Name, is the Son of God TOTAL GOD IN HUMAN FORM.

God gave Israel her land, but the world fights this truth. This is the reason for the problems in the middle east. No one wants to acknowledge God's law, that this land belongs to Israel.

Oh Israel, if only you were to acknowledge Jesus Christ as the Son of God, your Messiah; your King, then no one could take your land from you.

I give my life to Yeshua Ben Yahweh, the Son of God. Do you?

ej x

Tuesday, 27 January 2009


It's a funny old world that we live in. I mean look around, the rich get richer and the poor are, it seems, never richer. Yet one could argue that back in English history the poor were worse off, and yes I would agree today we have medicine and a better standard of food, housing and work conditions. But there is still a divide between those that have influence and those that do not, like me.

Todays newspaper headline once again details the rich getting richer, unlimited expenses for the Lords... superstars crashing expensive cars and writing off as a "nothing" expense.

Well, I am not rich, nor am I a superstar. Famous people, it appears, are able to live outside the law or hire people to get them off the hook. I could get upset, or depressed as life here on earth is at times tough. But I do not, for I look outside the human box of life on earth to view heaven. God claims to be the perfect judge, that all will be dealt with. So I look up in faith to God, to Jesus and say to him, Yes Lord I give them to you, all that have hurt me, or will hurt me in the future. I trust that you are able to do what you claim, for I know that as I live and breath on this earth I am too small to make a difference to the injustice I see.

Why get upset over things you can not change? Give them to God.

You may not believe in Jesus but he believes in you,

ej x

Monday, 26 January 2009

One Voice

We are all born with a voice. I hope that I can share my view of the world on this site. Since I have not owned a blog before I now need to find out how to use this site then perhaps I can speak.
We all come to earth for a purpose I believe, perhaps as I share my faith I will help some of you to find your peace in this world of turmoil.


Hello World

Welcome to my blog.

When one finds that they wish to know why they are here they start to look for answers.

I can not give you your own answer but I can share with you what I have found to be a comfort in this world.

I hope that you will remain open minded as you read my words and listen to my voice, so to speak.
