Monday, 2 February 2009

I don't need a Christanity crutch

I think it's really funny when people think I am a weak minded person who needs to have Christanity in my life because I can't cope with things.

Do you really think that that is all Christianity is? A crutch to lean on. If only it were that simple!
Christanity is an explanation of why things in the world today are so tough.

You see God created the world, and all things that live in it. He made a perfect world, with no sin. No need to fight for things for everything was given freely.

Yet today humans fight for all things.

God loved humans enough to build them a perfect world, with food, water, and beauty. You can still see the beauty, and still see humans reflecting God's manner when they reach out to others in love.

Why do humans do this love thing IF YOU SAY GOD IS NOT REAL? It does not make sense to love, it makes sense to fight for survival. Love costs. Humans can love because God placed His natural expression of love in them. Human reflect their Creator.

The bible is a book of explanations and examples of life with God, and without God's blessing. It details one people group, Israel. You can read of their attempt at life outside of God's blessing, or inside God's blessing.

Israel was chosen by God to give the rest of the world a picture of life with God. But Isreal turned their back on God and much later on his Son, Jesus.

Yet I feel oblidged to those who continue love God in Israel to acknowledge them here. For there are many.

Jesus was born a Jew, He grew and lived in Israel. His earth mother Mary taught Him about God.

Jesus was taught the first five books of the Christian bible, but it was not called that then, it was called the Torah.

Jesus believed that God made the earth and all who are in it.

Now I know you may not accept this explanation of life on earth, fine but I do. If Jesus believed it, who am I to argue?

Later in the Book of John we learn that God who has always been alive, was Jesus. Yes I know it is a big claim to make about one human being. But Jesus, lived on earth as a human, but He managed do some amazing things.

There are records to prove Jesus' existence. And records to show that He was crucified by the Romans, some 2000 years ago.

The Book of Acts details 500 eye witnesses that saw Him teach others of God after His death on the cross.

The Gospel Books, that means Good News Books, of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John give further great details of the kind of life that Jesus lead and the miracles He was able to do.

Humans can not heal the sick with one touch, only God can.

Jesus did this. Therefore it leads to the conclusion that Jesus was just not an ordinary man, but God in disguise.

Christianity is not a crutch to lean on, it is a humans wish to stand up and be counted as they try to live out their human lives to give thanks to God for Jesus's sacrifice on the cross. We owe Him our very existence.

It is not an easy thing to do, to live selfishlessly as Jesus did.

I fail everyday.

To make a stand and be counted as a Christian today, is not a decision that is taken lightly as many people in this world are killed for their stance

You may think a person is weak minded to become a Christian that is because you do not see the persecution that Christians' suffer in this world for their decision. England is a safe country to live in because many of the laws in this land are taken from the bible, the Word of God.

If you do not believe me, check out the news and see the fighting and povery of Muslim, Hindu and other nations that do not acknowledge that Jesus total God... it shows because though they do try to understand all that God is... they can not understand because God told humanity the only way to learn about Him is through the Son Jesus Christ.

If you refuse to accept that Jesus Christ is God in human form then God will not accept you nor teach you about the Truth of Him.

The world will never find peace until it acknowledges the right of Jesus to be the King of Earth, and all Humanity, human history proves this.

The nation of Israel has her troubles because the majority of her Jewish people do not recognise Jesus Christ as their God and Saviour. Remember God will not teach you unless you approach Him through His Son JESUS CHRIST.

Jesus Christ, Yeshua Ben Yahweh His Hebrew Name, is the Son of God TOTAL GOD IN HUMAN FORM.

God gave Israel her land, but the world fights this truth. This is the reason for the problems in the middle east. No one wants to acknowledge God's law, that this land belongs to Israel.

Oh Israel, if only you were to acknowledge Jesus Christ as the Son of God, your Messiah; your King, then no one could take your land from you.

I give my life to Yeshua Ben Yahweh, the Son of God. Do you?

ej x