Monday, 2 April 2012

Left handed prayer

I have recently had a slight MS relaspe, nothing serious but my right hand and arm are aching more than usual.  So I decided it might be a good idea to try to learn to write with my left hand.  Today as I practised forming the letters, especially "S" around the right way I found myself writing this prayer.  The words flowed of out me, they were not planned and I did not correct them. 

The left handed prayer speaks for itself.

Praise God in the heavens
praise God in the earth
sing to Him as little children
open your hearts and sing
open your mind to receive Him
use your imagination to praise Him
take pictures made in your heart to bless Him
add music to his name
fall at his feet to worship Him
offer Him your heart full of your love
bless His holy name
dwell in His presence
rest when reading His word to listen
His sheep know his voice
talk to Him of your love, share with Him your dreams
trust in His timing and His answers to you
submit to His plans for they are greater than yours
offer Him your time and lay down your ambitions
go where you are lead but if the door closes, leave it shut
try a new direction always lead by prayer
walk through the openings He has made
work with and pray over those He gives you
do as to all as you would have them do to you
thank the Lord for His provision in good times and bad
practise listening for His voice for He wants to be heard.