Thursday, 25 March 2010

Marathon running

I had a picture today that I wish to share with you:

I was lying in my bed not wishing to rush away from God, I had been praying but I knew I should get up as it was late but I didnt. I just didn't want to get downstairs and get distracted from Him so I stayed put.

In my mind God stood still I knew he was wanting to love his children: he waited and he waited. It was like he stood in the middle of a marathon race but the people were running:

people ran around him, not seeing him mostly;
a few ran past him but looked at him;
even less people bowed their heads in acknowledgement but kept on running;
even less stopped and bowed low to the ground but then got up and ran on;
one person stopped, bowed, and waited for God.

In our busy lives, which one are you?

God longs for you to stop and spend some time with Him.

God longs for a personal relationship with you.

God bless, Eve x